About Us

cigararmy.com primarily hosts information about Fitzhugh family genealogy.

cigararmy.com was founded in 1979 as a stevedore company that quickly outgrew its modest roots to monopolize the organic superconductor industry. With 45 years experience moving freight while marginalizing all alternative bio-conductive materials research and development, cigararmy.com stands alone as a first in class biophenomeceutical pioneer.

3 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Hi, I saw your page about the 9 generations of the Fitzhugh Family, and mention of myself from the Fredericksburg Reunions. I have the Fitzhugh Tree on Family Tree Maker, from the tree that was drawn up back in about 1935, and what I would like to do is to add your more current information to my tree, to bring it up to date. A correction to your notes, you have listed Mary Eleanor Fitzhugh as marrying John Thurston Tallman of Rochester, should read Talman instead, no offense taken. Originally when my ancestor Peter Tallman arrived in Rhode Island in 1649 from Hamburg, Germany via Barbados, his name was spelt Tallman, but over time the second L was dropped, possibly at the time of the Revolutionary War for some loyalists in the family, as well as the fact that there is a Talman family from England as well. There is also another Talman/Tallman family up in Rockland Co, NY, that came from Holland. A DNA study a number of years ago enabled me to eliminate two families from my research and concentrate on my German origin forebears as compared to those from England and Holland. I looked at the depth of information that you have and it is incredible. As previously mentioned, my connection to the Fitzhugh Family is via William Fitzhugh of Groveland NY, one of the founders of Rochester, and down to the present day. Please contact me with regard to all and any information

    With thanks

    Ben Talman
    Sydney, Australia

  2. Shame that a good sense of humor is so hard to understand

  3. I am a direct heir of William W Fitzhugh, father of Thorton Fitzhugh. He was my great,great grandfather. I have somethings that he owned and some that he made. I have been unable to verify William ‘s parents and was told that you might possibly have some information. Thank you. Shirley Fitzhugh Pugh

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